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Zoom - Security Tips

How You Can Secure Your Meetings

Meeting Settings:

  • Enable Require a password when scheduling new meetings or webinars through the Meeting tab of your Settings.
    Participants will then be required to enter a password to join the meeting.

  • Send participants to the Waiting Room. (Meetings only) Only the host can allow participants in the Waiting Room into the live meeting.

  • Disable Join before hosts to ensure participants are not able to join the meeting before the host arrives.

  • Ensure only hosts can share their screen through Settings by un-checking Participants under Who can Share? This is on by default.

  • Disable File Transfer in Settings, which will ensure participants are not allowed to share files in the in-meeting chat during the meeting.

  • Click to Mask phone numbers in the participant list through the Telephone tab in Settings. This masks all telephone numbers called into the meeting.

Settings when scheduling your meeting or webinar:

  • Lock your meeting allows hosts to lock the meeting right at the start (or when enough attendees have joined). At the point a meeting is locked, no other participants are able to join the meeting.

  • Consider Muting all participants that are already in the meeting and new participants joining the meeting through Manage Participants. You will be asked to confirm if you’d like to allow participants to unmute themselves. You can choose to uncheck this option.

  • Disable private chat through Manage Participants. This prohibits participants from private chatting with other participants.

Other suggestions for ensuring a secure meeting:

Do not publish meeting link/URL in public communication channels
Remind participants to not share meeting details

Properties ID: 000103   Views: 172   Updated: 4 years ago