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Setting Unavailability - Allowing your Secondary to operate

The Not Available function is available in the employee portal of PGi. To access it, you login with your employee ID (this is the ID that contains numbers, not names) Should be similar to SKAC10NNN.

Once you are logged in, the Not Available function can be accessed in “Request Time Off” – click on “New Time off Request” and select Not Available in the drop down. Then click on the green checkmark to the left, fill in the dates and click on the green checkmark a second time to send the request. This will then activate the function.

Senior Supervisors/Managers/Regional Directors who may receive the Not Available request should not approve it – the notification is for information only. If this request is approved, it will not take effect and will need to be redone.

Please ensure you activate the Not Available function when you are out of the office; it is essential that it is activated if you are going to be out of the office on attendance-approval Monday’s.

Properties ID: 000039   Views: 196   Updated: 6 years ago