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Client Database - Client Pictures

Adding Pictures of Clients to the Database

Picture File Requirements/Recommendations

  • The picture should be a headshot.
  • The picture should be less than 50kb in size, preferably then than 25kb.
  • A square picture will look the best and take up all of the picture box.
  • 235 pixels by 235 pixels is the ideal size.
  • Picture editing can be done in Paint. Make a copy of the picture then right click on it and select Edit.

How to Add a Picture

  1. Go to the client that you want to add the picture to.
  2. In the picture box, click the button that has the icon of a folder with a star in it.
  3. Browse to the file you want to add.
  4. Select the image then press OK.

Picture Notes

  • If you add a picture but still get the 'No Picture Consent' image then you need to set the Photo Release Consent date on the General tab.
  • If the picture for a client no longer appears, and the Consent Date is correct, it is probably because the client's name was changed. To find the picture again do the following:
    1. Go to the client that you want to add the picture to.
    2. In the picture box, click the button that has the icon of a folder with a star in it.
    3. Browse to U:\Client Database\ClientPhotos and find the client's previous name.
    4. Select the image then press OK.

Properties ID: 000075   Views: 276   Updated: 5 years ago
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